米国商標実務 外国同義語の法理(doctrine of foreign equivarents)TMEP §1207.01(b)(vi)

外国同義語の法理(doctrine of foreign equivarents)とは

外国同義語の法理(doctrine of foreign equivarents)によれば、外国語(アメリカの消費者のかなりの層になじみのある言語からのもの)と英語の同義語は、混乱を招くほど類似しているとみなされる可能性があります。米国商標の審査段階では標章部分の中に、日本語の漢字やカタカナ、ひらがなが含まれていたり、日本語のアルファベット表記がある場合には、USPTOのExamining Attorneyはその意味について、良く知られた日本語を除いて必ずと言って良いほど尋ねてきます。これは外国の同義語を明示するためと思われます。TMEPとしては、次の部分が該当若しくは関連します §1207.01(b)(vi)

外国同義語の法理(doctrine of foreign equivarents)




 In re Ithaca Indus., Inc., 230 USPQ 702 (TTAB 1986) holding LUPO for men’s and boys’ underwear, and WOLF and design for various clothing items, likely to cause confusion, because, inter alia, “LUPO” is clearly the foreign equivalent of the English word “wolf”
Whether an examining attorney should apply the doctrine of foreign equivalents turns upon the significance of the foreign mark to the relevant purchasers, which is based on an analysis of the evidence of record, including, for example, dictionary, Internet, and LexisNexis® evidence. If the evidence shows that the relevant English translation is literal and direct, and no contradictory evidence of shades of meaning or other relevant meanings exists, the doctrine generally should be applied by the examining attorney. 審査官が外国同義語の法理を適用すべきかどうかは、関連する購入者にとっての外国商標の重要性によって決まります。これは、辞書、インターネット、LexisNexis® 証拠などの記録証拠の分析に基づいています。 関連する英語の翻訳が文字通り直接的であり、意味の色合いやその他の関連する意味について矛盾する証拠が存在しないことを証拠が示している場合には、通常、この原則は審査官によって適用されるべきです。

Standard of “Ordinary American Purchaser Would “Stop and Translate””

Palm Bay Imps., Inc. v. Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Maison Fondee en 1772, 396 F.3d 1369, 1377, 73 USPQ2d 1689, 1696 (Fed. Cir. 2005)
Although words from modern languages are generally translated into English, the doctrine of foreign equivalents has evolved into a guideline, not an absolute rule, and is applied only when the “ordinary American purchaser” would “stop and translate” the foreign wording in a mark into its English equivalent.

The doctrine applies to words or terms from common, modern languages, which encompasses all but dead, obscure, or unusual languages.




In re Iatichand R. Goojha (TTAB 2022) Serial No. 88479529 refusing registration for LE CHOCOLAT DES ILES (with design) based on a likelihood of confusion with the mark ISLAND CHOCOLATES.
the Board, considering evidence that there are over a million French speakers in the U.S. and that French brands are commonly sold in the U.S., found French is a common modern language. Comparing the marks, the Board found they are similar in appearance, in that they contain a similar-looking term for “chocolate,” and are essentially identical in connotation. 審判部は、米国にはフランス語の話者が100万人以上おり、米国ではフランスのブランドが一般的に販売されているという証拠を検討し、フランス語が現代の共通言語であると判断した。 審判部は、これらのマークを比較したところ、「チョコレート」を表す似たような用語が含まれているという点で、外観が類似しており、意味合いが本質的に同一であることが判明しました。
 In re Sarkli, Ltd., 721 F.2d 353, 354, 220 USPQ 111, 113 (Fed. Cir. 1983) erred in finding of equivalency of SECOND CHANCE and REPECHAGE,
The Federal Circuit has stated that “[t]he test to be applied to a foreign word vis-a-vis an English word with respect to equivalency is not less stringent than that applicable to two English words.”

Where the only similarity between the marks is in connotation, a much closer approximation is necessary than has been shown here to justify a refusal to register on that basis alone where the marks otherwise are totally dissimilar



 La Peregrina, 86 USPQ2d finding that if sufficient evidence had been provided to show that the Spanish-language mark LA PEREGRINA, which translates to mean “the pilgrim,” for goods including pearls and pearl jewelry, was viewed by the relevant purchasing public as the “name of a very famous and unique pearl,” such would be a situation “where purchasers would not translate the name”
the doctrine will not be applied where the foreign wording has developed an alternate meaning in the relevant marketplace that is different from the translated meaning in English, and the evidence shows that the alternate meaning would be understood by the relevant purchasing public. この法理は、外国語の表現が英語で翻訳された意味とは異なる別の意味を関連市場で展開しており、その別の意味が関連する購買層に理解されるであろうことを証拠が示している場合には適用されない。
Ricardo Media, 2019 USPQ2d 311355 record did not support a finding that “consumers would be likely to translate RICARDO to RICHARD, or RICHARD to RICARDO, but would instead take each name as it is, in its own language, as identifying the person named, whether real or fictional, known or anonymous.
The doctrine typically will not be applied to personal names that would be recognizable as first names to ordinary American consumers and thus perceived as identifying a person. この法理は通常、米国の一般消費者にとってファーストネームとして認識され、個人を特定できるものと認識される個人名には適用されません。
Otokoyama Co. v. Wine of Japan Import, Inc., 175 F.3d 266, 270, 50 USPQ2d 1626, 1629 (2d Cir. 1999) if the Japanese word “otokoyama” described a generic type of sake, it could not be trademarked in order to prevent other sake vendors from using the term to describe sake of that type.
While foreign words are generally translated into English for purposes of determining geographic significance, foreign words from dead or obscure languages may be so unfamiliar to the American buying public that they should not be translated into English for descriptiveness purposes. 外来語は通常、地理的な重要性を判断する目的で英語に翻訳されますが、死語または無名言語の外来語は、米国の購買層にとって非常に馴染みのないものである可能性があるため、説明の目的で英語に翻訳すべきではありません。
Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition, § 15 cmt.a
Competitors denied access to a [generic] term that denominates goods or services to prospective purchasers would be at a distinct disadvantage in communicating information regarding the nature or characteristics of their product. 競合他社が商品やサービスを指す[一般的な]用語へのアクセスを購入希望者に拒否すると、自社製品の性質や特性に関する情報を伝達する際に明らかに不利な立場に置かれることになります。

米国商標主要審決・判例集 vol.1
米国商標実務 類否判断におけるAnti-Dissection Rule TMEP§1207.01

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