商標登録insideNews: Ninth Circuit Upholds $56 Million Trademark Dispute Verdict | natlawreview.com

9th Circuit upholds 56M beer dispute verdict

9th Circuit upholds 56M beer dispute verdict

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld a $56 million trial verdict in a trademark dispute, finding that the evidence supported the jury’s conclusion that a beer company’s rebranding of one its beers infringed a competitor’s trademark. Stone Brewing Co., LLC v. Molson Coors Beverage Company USA LLC, Case No. 23-3142 (9th Cir. Dec. 30, 2024) (Graber, Friedland, Bumatay, JJ.) (nonprecedential).

情報源: Ninth Circuit Upholds $56 Million Trademark Dispute Verdict

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Ninth Circuit Upholds $56 Million Trademark Dispute Verdict | natlawreview.com”

商標登録insideNews: Judge Upholds $56M Verdict in Stone Brewing Trademark Case Against Coors | Times of San Diego

Stone Brewing won $56M verdict against Coors

Stone Brewing won $56M verdict against Coors

A San Diego federal judge this week upheld a jury’s verdict awarding local craft brewer Stone Brewing $56 million in its trademark infringement lawsuit against beer giant Molson Coors.

情報源: Judge Upholds $56M Verdict in Stone Brewing Trademark Case Against Coors – Times of San Diego

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Judge Upholds $56M Verdict in Stone Brewing Trademark Case Against Coors | Times of San Diego”

商標登録insideNews: Tesla triumphs in trademark battle against “Tesla Beer” | Vino Joy News

Tesla won in TM battle against not vehicle but beer

Tesla won in TM battle against not vehicle but beer

Tesla China has won a high-profile trademark infringement lawsuit against the producer of “Tesla Beer” and “Tesla Soda”, underscoring the escalating battle brands wage to safeguard their identities.

情報源: Tesla triumphs in trademark battle against “Tesla Beer” – Vino Joy News

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Tesla triumphs in trademark battle against “Tesla Beer” | Vino Joy News”

商標登録insideNews: NATOまたはOTAN? フィンランドでビール新発売 | Sputnik 日本

NATOビール 発売

東部サヴォンリンナのクラフトビール醸造所Olaf Brewingが、その名称とデザインが北大西洋条約機構(NATO)の特性と相通じるビールを発売したとフィンランド国営放送(Yle)が報じた。

情報源: NATOまたはOTAN? フィンランドでビール新発売 – 2022年5月17日, Sputnik 日本

フィンランドのブルワリーが「安心の味」のNATOビールを発売、0:58 NATOビール 発売

Finland Brewery Launches NATO Beer with ‘Taste of Security’

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別

Craft brewery Olaf Brewing in eastern Savonlinna has launched a beer whose name and design are in line with the characteristics of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Finnish state broadcaster Yle reported.

商標登録inside: NewsLAG「A」R の誤表記:発売中止から一転、なぜサッポロが販売を決意したか(オルタナ) – Yahoo!ニュース

サッポロビールとファミリーマートは1月13日、誤表記で発売中止を予定していた共同開発商品「サッポロ 開拓使麦酒仕立て」を2月2日に発売することを発表した。発売を求める消費者の声を受けて、全国のファミリーマート約1万6300店で販売する。(オルタナ副編集長=吉田広子)「サッポロ 開拓使麦酒仕立て」はもともと1月12日から数量限定で販売する新商品だった。しかし、誤表記が判明し、1月8日に発売中止を発表した。缶ビールの中央部にデザイン的にあしらわれた「LAG『E』R BEER(ラガービール)」の文字が、誤って「LAG『A』R BEER」と記載された。

情報源: LAG「A」R の誤表記:発売中止から一転、なぜサッポロが販売を決意したか(オルタナ) – Yahoo!ニュース

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商標登録insideNews: Beer wars are back: What companies can learn from MillerCoors suit against Anheuser-Busch in “corngate” – Milwaukee Business Journal

While comparing products and services in advertising campaigns is perfectly legal when done correctly, companies and marketers should work closely with their legal counsel to review any proposed ad campaign that specifically calls out a competitor or a competing product.

情報源: Beer wars are back: What companies can learn from MillerCoors suit against Anheuser-Busch in “corngate” – Milwaukee Business Journal

MillerCoors sues Anheuser-Busch over Super Bowl ads, 2:30

Beer companies’ legal battle brewing, 1:35

MillerCoors sues Anheuser-Busch over corn syrup ads 5:25

商標登録insideNews: MillerCoors accuses Hite of copycat trademark | The Korea Herald

US brewing giant MillerCoors has accused South Korean beer brand Hite of copying its light pale lager Lite, in an apparent move to deter Hite Jinro’s growing presence in the US market. 

情報源: MillerCoors accuses Hite of copycat trademark

hite millercoors beer dispute
Opposition 91241075, Hite Jinro Co., Ltd. v. MillerCoors LLC from USPTO

商標登録insideNews: Stone Brewing Files Lawsuit Against MillerCoors Over ‘Stone’ Trademark | Brewbound.com

Stone Brewing sues MillerCoors Over Stone Trademark

Stone Brewing sues MillerCoors Over Stone Trademark

Stone Brewing has filed a lawsuit against Molson Coors Brewing Company subsidiary MillerCoors, which makes and markets the “Keystone” line of beers, alleging that the multinational company infringed on the San Diego craft brewery’s “Stone” trademark. According to the complaint, filed today in the U.S. district court of Southern California, Stone Brewing asserts that MillerCoors is purposely trying to “steal the consumer loyalty and awesome reputation of Stone’s craft brews” with its recently rebranded Keys

情報源: Stone Brewing Files Lawsuit Against MillerCoors Over ‘Stone’ Trademark | Brewbound.com

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Stone Brewing Files Lawsuit Against MillerCoors Over ‘Stone’ Trademark | Brewbound.com”

外国商標関連NEWS 商標_動画(リンク)

インドのGreen the gapというリサイクル業者がアパレルGAPにGAPを使うなと訴えられています。リサイクル業者はGAPに便乗する意図もなく業態も違うので困惑していると主張しています。

2.The legal growing pains of the craft beer industry、3:12

3.How to protect your IPR in China – businessplanet、3:15