商標登録insideNews: Phil Mickelson’s company applies for coffee trademark | espn.com

Mickelson Inc., a company owned by Phil Mickelson, has applied for a trademark for the use of “Coffee For Wellness.”

情報源: Phil Mickelson’s company applies for coffee trademark

Goods and Services IC 030. US 046. G & S: Coffee; coffee beans; roasted coffee beans; ground coffee beans; prepared coffee beverages; coffee drinks; coffee pods; coffee capsules, filled; coffee capsules containing coffee for brewing
Serial Number 88955602
Filing Date June 9, 2020
Current Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Mickelson, Inc. CORPORATION NEVADA 375 N. Stephanie Street, Suite 1411 Henderson NEVADA 89014
Prior Registrations 5385836;5385840
Description of Mark The mark consists of a silhouette of a man facing forward with his arms stretched above his head and holding a golf club in his right hand. Centered underneath the image is the word “COFFEE” and centered beneath the word “COFFEE” is the phrase “FOR WELLNESS”.

なんと6日間の“断食”ダイエットを敢行し、ミケルソンが全英でスッキリしたお腹を披露。スペシャルに関する最新情報はパーゴルフの新メディア〜PAR GOLF PLUS(パーゴルフ プラス)!P1

情報源: なんと6日間の“断食”ダイエットを敢行し、ミケルソンが全英でスッキリしたお腹を披露 【パーゴルフ プラス|PAR GOLF PLUS 】

Phil Mickelson says drinking lots of coffee has been the key to his success, 1:23


商標登録insideNews: 食品業界初、「UCC ミルクコーヒー」が“色彩のみからなる商標”に登録|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB

UCC上島珈琲 色彩のみからなる商標を登録


情報源: 食品業界初、「UCC ミルクコーヒー」が“色彩のみからなる商標”に登録|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB

登録日:令和1(2019)年 11月 29日
公開日:平成27(2015)年 6月 9日
出願日:平成27(2015)年 5月 21日
権利者 ユーシーシー上島珈琲株式会社
【商品及び役務の区分並びに指定商品又は指定役務】 29 缶入りのコーヒー入り乳飲料 30 缶入りミルクコーヒー飲料

UCC上島珈琲 色彩のみからなる商標を登録

商標登録insideNews: チキンラーメン横じま、商標登録 パッケージの配色―日清食品 | 時事ドットコム
The three-color trademark of brown, white, and red used in the design of UCC Ueshima Coffee has been registered as a color-only trademark.


商標登録insideNews: Starbucks Wins Green-Dot Trademark for Lidded Cup Illustrations

NewsStarbucks Wins Green-Dot Trademark for Lidded Cup Illustrations Board reversed examiner’s rejection of examples of outlined cup Starbucks failed to show consumers recognized dot on undefined cup Starbucks Corp. won its years-long battle with the Patent and Trademark Office to trademark a green dot on depictions of coffee cups with lids, though a green circle on an illustration of undefined cup won’t get the same protection.The split decision from the Trademark Trial and Appeals Board Jan. 17 highlights the fine lines used in evaluating similar potential marks, supporting examples of their use and what exactly they demonstrate.

情報源: Starbucks Wins Green-Dot Trademark for Lidded Cup Illustrations

Refuses of 872 Appln and 423 Appln are mostly reversed.

商標登録insideNews: Starbucks loses trademark lawsuit to Morinaga Milk over mountain range logo, Singapore News & Top Stories – The Straits Times

Singapore News -SINGAPORE – A Japan-based dairy company can register a trademark for its line of milk coffees, after an opposing claim made by coffee giant Starbucks was thrown out by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (Ipos).. Read more at straitstimes.com.

情報源: Starbucks loses trademark lawsuit to Morinaga Milk over mountain range logo, Singapore News & Top Stories – The Straits Times


情報源: スタバが森永の「マウントレーニア」のロゴが似ていると訴訟を起こすも、類似性はないと判決 – GIGAZINE
