商標登録insideNews: 東京都が”新しい日常”と”東京アラート”を商標出願 令和2年5月

新しい日常と東京アラート 新型コロナウイルス


東京アラート (Jplatpat)新しい日常と東京アラート 新型コロナウイルス

新しい日常 (Jplatpat)

商標登録insideNews: 東京都がスタートアップ支援拡充へ、知財活用を後押し|ニュースイッチ 日刊工業新聞社
The spread of the new coronavirus continues, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has applied for trademark registration for “Tokyo Alert” on May 20, 2020 and “New Daily Life” on May 21, 2020. increase

商標登録insideNews: USPTO announces COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Program for certain trademark and service mark applications | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced a new COVID-19 prioritized examination program for certain trademark and service mark applications.Under this new program, the USPTO will accept petitions to advance the initial examination of applications for marks used to identify qualifying COVID-19 medical products and services. Additionally, the USPTO will waive the fee for such petitions.

情報源: USPTO announces COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Program for certain trademark and service mark applications | USPTO


商標登録insideNews: USPTO grants further relief for certain trademark-related fees and deadlines | USPTO


Under the CARES Act authority and its existing authority in Trademark and TTAB matters, the USPTO will direct relief to those who need it on a case-by-case basis, as described in the official notice.

情報源: USPTO grants further relief for certain trademark-related fees and deadlines | USPTO


As stakeholders continue to navigate the effects of the pandemic in various ways, and as more and more of them are resuming operations, the USPTO will again extend certain deadlines.

情報源: USPTO grants further relief for certain patent-related fees and deadlines | USPTO

商標登録insideNews: 天災としてのCOVID-19の集団発生による期限を満たせなかった場合の免除(参考訳) | 経済産業省 特許庁

情報源: 天災としてのCOVID-19の集団発生による期限を満たせなかった場合の免除:第5規則の下要求されている証拠書類の提出の免除(参考訳) | 経済産業省 特許庁

1. WIPO国際事務局はマドリッド制度のユーザーに対し、COVID-19の集団発生による期限を満たせなかった場合について更なる救済を提供するために、マドリッド協定議定書に基づく規則第5規則(以後「規則」という。)に基づき取られた措置をお知らせしたい。
2. No. 7/2020のお知らせに記載されているように、出願人、名義人及び官庁はWIPO国際事務局に対する通信の期限を満たせなかったことから免除される可能性がある。COVID-19の集団発生により世界的に様々な段階で通信を中断されたことは広く知られている。従って、WIPO国際事務局は、COVID-19に関連する事柄を引用した第5規則の下で行われたいかなる要求についても有利に扱い、また出願人、名義人または官庁に対しそれに関して証拠の提出を要求しない。
3. 第5規則は、規則もしくは条約に則った期限に対しWIPO国際事務局に対するいかなる通信にも適用する。例えば、国際出願もしくは事後指定の通知、もしくは暫定拒絶通報、もしくは出願人、名義人または官庁の国際出願もしくは記録の申請の不備 の通信に適用される。
4. マドリッド制度の下で許容可能な支払方法(例えば、WIPO国際事務局の当座預金からの引き落としの指示もしくはWIPO銀行または郵便口座への送金による支払い)はWIPO国際事務局への通信を要求する。従って、第5規則は、国際登録の更新に対する料金支払いの猶予期間を含む、WIPO国際事務局に対するいかなる料金の支払い期限についても適用される。
5. 出願人、名義人または官庁は、第5規則の下には6ヶ月の期限があることに留意されたい。結果として、関連する期限の満了日から6ヶ月以内にWIPO国際事務局が通信、指示、もしくは支払いを受け取れるよう早急な手段を講じるよう推奨される。
6. 最後に、WIPO国際事務局は出願人、名義人及び官庁に、引き続き開庁し、国際出願と記録の申請処理は続けており、またWIPO事務局に対し電子的手段によって通信することを推奨することを知らせたい。特に、No. 11/2020のお知らせに記載したとおり、出願人及び名義人はMadrid Portfolio Manager1もしくはContact Madrid online service2を通じて請求を提出し、WIPO国際事務局への他の通信を送付することができる。また、出願人及び名義人は他の通信手段、即ち、e-Payment3、e-Renewal4、e-Subsequent designation5といった他のオンラインサービスを、請求を提出しそしてクレジットカードで支払うために利用することもできる。
Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks
Excuse from Failure to Meet a Time Limit Due to the COVID 19 Disease Outbreak as a Natural Calamity: Waiver of the Submission of Evidence Required under Rule 5 of the Regulations
1. The International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) wishes to inform users of the Madrid System of measures it has taken under Rule 5 of the Regulations under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”), with a view to providing further relief in cases of failure to meet a time limit due to the COVID‑19 disease outbreak.
2. As recalled in Information Notice No. 7/2020, applicants, holders and Offices may be excused from failure to meet a time limit for a communication addressed to the International Bureau of WIPO. It is widely known that the COVID‑19 outbreak has interrupted communications worldwide, to various degrees. Accordingly, the International Bureau of WIPO will treat favorably any request made under Rule 5 of the Regulations citing COVID‑19 related issues and not require that applicants, holders or Offices submit evidence in respect thereof.
3. Rule 5 of the Regulations applies to any communication addressed to the International Bureau of WIPO for which there is a time limit under the Regulations or the treaty. For example, it applies to a communication in which an Office transmits an international application or a subsequent designation or notifies a provisional refusal, or in which an applicant, a holder or an Office remedies an irregularity in an international application or in a request for recording.
4. Acceptable modes of payment under the Madrid System require a communication addressed to the International Bureau of WIPO (e.g., instructions to debit from a current account with the International Bureau of WIPO or a payment by transfer to a WIPO bank or postal account). Accordingly, Rule 5 of the Regulations applies to the time limit to pay any fee to the International Bureau of WIPO, including the period of grace to pay the fees for the renewal of an international registration.
5. Applicants, holders and Offices are reminded that there is a six‑month limitation under Rule 5 of the Regulations. Consequently, they are encouraged to take prompt action so that the International Bureau of WIPO receive the communication, instruction or payment no later than six months from the expiry of the time limit concerned.
6. Finally, the International Bureau of WIPO wishes to remind applicants, holders and Offices that it remains open and continues to process international applications and requests for recording and encourages them to address communications to the International Bureau of WIPO by electronic means. In particular, as recalled in Information Notice No. 11/2020, applicants and holders may present requests and send other communications to the International Bureau of WIPO by using the upload function in the Madrid Portfolio Manager1 or through the Contact Madrid online service2. They may also use other online services, namely, e‑Payment3, e‑Renewal4 and e‑Subsequent designation5, to present requests and pay by credit card.

商標登録insideNews: USPTO extends certain patent and trademark deadlines to June 1 | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced further extensions to the time allowed to file certain patent and trademark-related documents and to pay certain required fees. These actions are an exercise of temporary authority provided to the USPTO by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed by President Trump on March 27.

情報源: USPTO extends certain patent and trademark deadlines to June 1 | USPTO

商標登録insideNews: ‘Seaface’: Royal Caribbean attempts to trademark sanitary face masks | usatoday.com

Dying to get back on a cruise ship but nervous about the potential spread of coronavirus on board? Royal Caribbean is seeking a solution.

情報源: ‘Seaface’: Royal Caribbean attempts to trademark sanitary face masks

Goods and Services: Sanitary masks for virus isolation purposes: Cruise ship services
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 88863882
Filing Date April 8, 2020
Owner (APPLICANT) Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. CORPORATION LIBERIA 1050 Caribbean Way Miami FLORIDA 33132

商標登録insideNews: USPTO announces extension of certain patent and trademark-related timing deadlines under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced that it will use provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), to extend the time to file certain patent and trademark-related documents and to pay certain required fees.

情報源: USPTO announces extension of certain patent and trademark-related timing deadlines under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act | USPTO


商標登録insideNews: USPTO notices regarding COVID-19 | USPTO

USPTO changes rules due to COVID-19

The content below represents all the public messaging the USPTO has released related to coronavirus (COVID-19).Relief for USPTO customers affected by COVID-19The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) considers the effects of coronavirus to be an “extraordinary situation” within the meaning of 37 CFR 1.183 and 37 CFR 2.146 for affected patent and trademark applicants, patentees, reexamination parties, and trademark owners. Therefore, the USPTO is waiving petition fees in certain situations for customers impacted by the coronavirus.

情報源: USPTO notices regarding COVID-19 | USPTOUSPTO changes rules due to COVID-19

米国特許商標庁は、コロナウイルスの影響で遅延することとなった手続の延長を認めるものではないが、そのための回復請求(petition)については無料とする決定をしています。また、来週26日からは庁内で一般公衆に公開しているエリアを期限的に閉鎖するものとしています。㋂13日以降の審査官、審判官との面談等はビデオ又は電話会議になるとのことです。(USPTO changes rules due to COVID-19)

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別

米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA

商標登録insideNews: ‘Opportunistic’ coronavirus trademark application ‘likely to fail’ | worldipreview.com

A COVID-19 trademark application filed in the US is likely to fail as it’s too descriptive, said a representative of an IP analytics company.The application, one of several referencing the virus since the outbreak, was filed for the term ‘COVID-19 VAX’, on Saturday, February 15, and is currently ‘awaiting examination’.

情報源: ‘Opportunistic’ coronavirus trademark application ‘likely to fail’

Word Mark COVID-19 VAX
Goods and Services IC 005. G & S: Vaccines
Serial Number 88792612
Filing Date February 11, 2020
Owner (APPLICANT) And Still, LLC