商標登録insideNews: ラグビー代表の「ONE TEAM」を商標登録へ | 日刊スポーツ
ONE TOKYO, founded by former Japan national team midfielder Keisuke Honda (Botafogo), announced on the 15th that it had decided to change its name.
商標登録insideNews: 東京都がスタートアップ支援拡充へ、知財活用を後押し|ニュースイッチ 日刊工業新聞社
The spread of the new coronavirus continues, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has applied for trademark registration for “Tokyo Alert” on May 20, 2020 and “New Daily Life” on May 21, 2020. increase
特定農林水産物等の地理的表示(GI)保護制度 vol.1
On the 8th, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced that Akita Prefecture’s pickles “Iburigakko”, Tokyo’s chicken “Tokyo Shamo”, and Hyogo Prefecture Sayo ”Sayo Mochi Daizu” are subject to the geographical indication (GI) protection system that protects regional agricultural, forestry and fishery products and food brands.
商標登録insideNews: 東京オリンピックを控え、期待感が高まるスポーツ用品業界のM&A – M&A Online
It was revealed on the 4th that the International Olympic Committee (IOC, headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland) had applied to the Patent Office for trademark registration of the Japanese word “Gorin” representing the Olympic Games.
東京都農林総合研究センター 東京 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.13
The Tokyo Metropolitan Agriculture and Forestry Research Center is engaged in experimental research that is useful for producers and the lives of Tokyo residents, such as the cultivation of Tokyo original varieties and cultivation techniques that increase productivity. In February 2017, a new variety of spring onion “Tokyo Komachi” was registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (registration number 25596).