米国商標実務 TMEP 商品・役務の記載 vol.5

新しい技術分野の登録可能な商品役務 ID Manualからの抽出 それぞれ新しい技術分野の商品役務として米国特許商標庁のID manualに挙げられている記載を抽出しています。A/Dの欄は、ID manualの入力状態( …

商標登録insideNews: Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green tech | USPTO

ID Manual added G&S relating to Green Tech

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is adding new terms to the Trademark ID Manual to cover goods and services that address climate change, or green tech. The new terms allow more trademark applicants who offer green tech to file using TEAS Plus and pay a lower application fee. We’ve added over 75 terms so far, including biomethane, research and development in the field of wind energy, and treatment of captured landfill gas.  

情報源: Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green techID Manual added G&S relating to Green Tech

Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad

商標登録insideNews: Retirement of Trademarks legacy ID Manual | USPTO
(ID Manual added G&S relating to Green Tech)
