商標登録insideNews: EAEU Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods enters into force | IP-Coster

April 26, 2021 saw the Eurasian Economic Union’s (EAEU) Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods enter into force. Initially concluded by the EAEU on February 3, 2020, the enactment of the Treaty was coincidentally aligned with World Intellectual Property Day 2021, suitably marking the momentous occasion. Whilst the Treaty has entered into force, the date of acceptance of applications is yet to be confirmed

情報源: EAEU Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods enters into force

Ratification of EAEU Trademark Treaty Completed

情報源: Ratification of EAEU Trademark Treaty Completed

ユーラシア経済連合のすべての加盟国はアルメニア🇦🇲、ベラルーシ🇧🇾、カザフスタン🇰🇿、キルギス🇰🇬、ロシア🇷🇺の5カ国です。今回の商標、サービスマーク、原産地呼称に関する条約の施行により、商標、サービスマーク、または原産地呼称の 1 つの出願を加盟国の知的財産庁に提出し、その商標の法的保護を受けることができます。出願によって1つの優先日が設定され、5か国すべてをカバーします。

商標登録insideNews: Changes to the IP related legislation in Kazakhstan | IP-Coster

On July 3, 2018, the Kazakh government introduced amendments to the Civil Code, Tax Code, Patent Law, Trademark Law and some other laws by virtue of the Law on Amending and Complementing Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Related to the Improvement of the Intellectual Property Legislation (hereinafter referred to as the Law). The changes are aimed at modernisation and simplification of the IP registration system in the country. While the changes in the legal procedures related to patent

情報源: Changes to the IP related legislation in Kazakhstan