商標関連訴訟の訴額と申立手数料 (印紙代)

商標関連訴訟の訴額と申立手数料 (印紙代) 訴額とは原告が被告に対し主張する一定の権利ないし法律関係(訴訟物)を金銭評価した金額であり、換言すれば原告がその訴訟で全部勝訴したときに得られる経済的利益の額を言います。訴訟を …

商標登録insideNews: Metaverse Trademark Applications Reach 16,000 in China

Metaverse TM Filings Reach 16,000 in China

In an interview with The Paper on Monday, the Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) said that the country has seen 16,000 trademark applications filed, encapsulating the term ‘metaverse.’The CNIPA has strictly opposed malicious trademark registrations, especially if the company is trying to hoard trademarks without apparent purpose for use.

情報源: Metaverse Trademark Applications Reach 16,000 in China

Metaverse china

商標登録insideNews: Chinese Government Rejects Metaverse Trademark Applications | coindesk.com


商標登録insideNews: Can’t afford to file a $600 opposition to a competitor’s pending trademark application? Maybe you can file a $50 Letter of Protest instead. | JDSupra

$600 opposition or $50 Letter of Protest

If you have a registered trademark and someone else is trying to register a mark that is very similar to yours, you’ll want to speak up. You invested all of that time, energy, and money into marketing your products or services. You don’t want someone trading on your name and stealing your goodwill. Worse yet, if you don’t tend your fences, you could lose your trademark altogether. But what can you do? 
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Can’t afford to file a $600 opposition to a competitor’s pending trademark application? Maybe you can file a $50 Letter of Protest instead. | JDSupra”


台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) vol.15 商標_動画(embedded)

台湾經濟部智慧財產局 動画

台湾の商標分野における最近の進展についての3つの台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO)の動画です。Part 1は統計データ、Part 2は商標審査の効率改善、Part 3は産業別の指定商品・指定役務についてのマニュアルや支援策について紹介しています。

続きを読む“台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) vol.15 商標_動画(embedded)”
