商標登録insideNews: As Supreme Court Case on Extraterritorial Trademark Disputes Heats Up, ABA Asks Justices to Consider 3-Part Test | ipwatchdog.com

Extraterritorial TM Disputes

The American Bar Association (ABA) filed an amicus brief on February 3 with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to clarify issues related to the application of the Lanham Act to trademark disputes that cross international borders.

情報源: As Supreme Court Case on Extraterritorial Trademark Disputes Heats Up, ABA Asks Justices to Consider Three-Part TestExtraterritorial TM Disputes

Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc.
U.S. Supreme Court
Amicus Brief filed by American Bar Association (ABA)
米国連邦商標法、不正競争、登録商標及び未登録商標の保護(§32, §43)

(2023.2.16 追記)
The Vanity Fair test, derived from Vanity Fair Mills, Inc. v. T. Eaton Co., 234 F.2d 633 (2d Cir. 1956), considers three factors: (1) whether the defendant is a United States citizen; (2) whether there was a conflict with trademark rights established under the relevant law of the foreign jurisdiction; and (3) whether the defendant’s conduct has a “substantial effect on United States commerce.” Vanity Fair, 234 F.2d at 642. (Extraterritorial TM Disputes)

外国人はVanity Fair testの最初のテスト、United States citizenに該当しないため、Vanity Fair testを採用する裁判管轄であっても問題は生じないことになりそうです。


米国税関国境警備局(CBP) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.6

米国税関国境警備局 動画

1.Super Bowl LVII Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Press Conference, 22:45 米国税関国境警備局 動画

Super Bowl LVII Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Press Conference | CBP

続きを読む“米国税関国境警備局(CBP) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.6”


米国移民関税執行局(ICE) vol.8 商標_動画

米国移民関税執行局 動画

1. IPR Operations, Darren Cunningham, 1:11 米国移民関税執行局 動画

HSI Arizona Special Agent Darren Cunningham on the tie between counterfeits and violent criminals

今週末(2023.2.12)はNFLのSuperbowl 57がチーフス対イーグルズでアリゾナ・ステートファームスタジアムで開催されます。ICEやCBPなどの組織も治安の維持と共に知的財産の保護についての活動をしています。今週はさらにPGAのスタジアムコースでのWMフェニックス・オープンも同じ地域で開催されており、ダブルで忙しいところです。

続きを読む“米国移民関税執行局(ICE) vol.8 商標_動画”


商標登録insideNews: Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing in the EU | EUIPO twitter

Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing in the EU | EUIPO twitter”


サウジアラビア知的財産総局 (saip) vol. 6 商標_動画 (embedded)

サウジアラビア知的財産総局 動画

حافظ على أغلى وأثمن إبداعاتك بمختلف مجالات الملكية الفكرية , 1.1:37 サウジアラビア知的財産総局 動画

حافظ على أغلى وأثمن إبداعاتك بمختلف مجالات الملكية الفكرية #سجلها_وتملكها

続きを読む“サウジアラビア知的財産総局 (saip) vol. 6 商標_動画 (embedded)”


シント・マールテン知的財産局 (BIP SXM) 商標_動画 vol.1 (embedded/playlists)

シント・マールテン知的財産局 動画

1. Trademark signs, 2:04

続きを読む“シント・マールテン知的財産局 (BIP SXM) 商標_動画 vol.1 (embedded/playlists)”


台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) vol.19 商標_動画(embedded)

台湾經濟部智慧財產局 動画

為產品Logo註冊商標的執行技巧和專業分工, 5:07 台湾經濟部智慧財產局 動画


台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) vol.14 商標_動画(embedded)
台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) vol.16 商標_動画(embedded)

Before the product is released by the company, it is required to apply for trademark protection. In addition, before applying for the proposed product label/product name and the submitted trademark application, the company’s correctness progress “confirmation of the original registration” and “distinguishability examination” work, the impact of the success of the trademark feasibility is enormous;


商標登録insideNews: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System | WIPO

Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

Mauritius has joined the Madrid System, rounding up the number of countries covered by WIPO’s international trademark system to 130. The Government of Mauritius deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO Director General, Daren Tang on February 6, 2023. Mauritius is the 114th member of the Madrid System. Its accession further strengthens the Madrid System’s status as a truly global option for trademark protection, and particularly in the Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean Regions.

情報源: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Mauritius on May 6, 2023.


Mauritius Joins WIPO’s International Design and Trademark Systems, 1:58 Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

Mauritius Joins WIPO's International Design and Trademark Systems



米国農務省植物品種保護局 (USDA Plant Variety Protection Office) 商標_動画 vol.1 (embedded)

米国農務省植物品種保護局 動画

USDA Plant Variety Protection Office, 6:30

USDA Plant Variety Protection Office

The Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO)米国農務省植物品種保護局 動画

米国農務省(USDA) 商標_動画(embedded)

The Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) provides intellectual property protection to breeders of new varieties of sexually reproduced, tuber propagated, and asexually reproduced plant varieties.


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