今(2023.3) 話題のChatGPTを使ってキャッチコピー・スローガンを作ってみると–人工知能に脱帽その2

キャッチコピー・スローガンにChatGPTを利用 前回は今(2023.2) 話題のChatGPTを商品・役務・社名などのネーミングに使ってみると–人工知能に脱帽の投稿ページでネーミングへの適用を試みたのですが、その結果を …

商標登録insideNews: Nike is Angling to Block Registration of JUST DAO IT Trademark | www.thefashionlaw.com

JUST DAO IT Trademark

JUST DAO IT Trademark

Nike is looking to block the registration of a trademark that plays on its famed “Just Do It” slogan. In the opposition that it initiated with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”) on Tuesday, counsel for Nike asserts that the sportswear giant stands to be damaged if Tacvue, Inc.’s application for JUST DAO IT is registered by the trademark office.

情報源: Nike is Angling to Block Registration of JUST DAO IT Trademark

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Nike is Angling to Block Registration of JUST DAO IT Trademark | www.thefashionlaw.com”

商標登録insideNews: Oatly denied trademark for ‘It’s like milk but made for humans’ slogan as ‘Consumers know cow’s milk is for calves’| veganfoodandliving.com

Swedish brand Oatly has been denied a trademark for their logline ‘It’s like milk but made for humans’ for the bizarre reason that ‘people know cow’s milk is for calves’. If consumers know this – why then was the EU so hellbent on changing terminology around veggie burgers and sausages, claiming it ‘confused’ the public? We’re as baffled as you are!

情報源: Oatly denied trademark for ‘It’s like milk but made for humans’ slogan as ‘Consumers know cow’s milk is for calves’

VIRAL AD: “It’s Like Milk But Made For Humans”, 0:22

EUIPO’s Decision (pdf)

商標登録insideNews: PS5 e DualSense, Sony deposita nuovo trademark: è lo slogan del controller? | www.everyeye.it

Il reveal del design e degli accessori ufficiali di PS5 ha messo a tacere un ampio numero di indiscrezioni, ma non cessa la caccia della community ai brevetti depositati da Sony Interactive Entertainment.

情報源: PS5 e DualSense, Sony deposita nuovo trademark: è lo slogan del controller?

ser. no.88961806

Goods and Services IC 028. US 022 023 038 050. G & S: Controllers for game consoles; game controllers for computer games
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 88961806
Filing Date June 12, 2020
Owner (APPLICANT) Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, CALIFORNIA 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway San Mateo CALIFORNIA 94404
Priority Date May 22, 2020

商標登録insideNews: BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE trademarks filed: Manchester businessman plans charitable foundation | World Trademark Review

Entrepreneur tells WTR of plan to launch non-profit to help disadvantaged children – and, if the BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE marks are granted, will seek a royalty fee from other entities that use the terms in the United Kingdom.

情報源: BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE trademarks filed: Manchester businessman plans charitable foundation | World Trademark Review

商標登録insideNews: On Amazon, T-shirts with slogans like ‘Mama Bear’ expose frivolous-trademark feud | The Seattle Times

A growing number of sellers on Amazon.com’s platform are finding how painful it can be when Amazon’s absolute power over their small businesses meets a bureaucratic U.S. government system not built for the 21st century.The issue involves trademarks filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), a federal agency meant to ensure brands big and small can protect their intellectual property. The office processes hundreds of thousands of trademark applications a year, and experts at a hearing this month warned Congress that spurious trademarks have overwhelmed the system.

情報源: On Amazon, T-shirts with slogans like ‘Mama Bear’ expose frivolous-trademark feud | The Seattle Times

A growing number of sellers on Amazon.com Inc.’s platform are finding how painful it can be when Amazon’s absolute power over their small businesses meets a bureaucratic U.S. government system not built for the 21st century.

情報源: On Amazon, T-Shirts With Slogans Expose Frivolous-Trademark Feud – The Washington Post

商標登録insideNews: 妊産婦向けベルト類似せず 「長~く使える」商標訴訟|全国・海外のニュース|徳島新聞


情報源: 妊産婦向けベルト類似せず 「長~く使える」商標訴訟|全国・海外のニュース|徳島新聞


Jplatpat-screenshot, tma2017-52659

商標登録insideNews: かっぱえびせん「やめられない、とまらない!」を考えたのは私 生みの親がカルビーを提訴 (デイリー新潮) – Yahoo!ニュース


情報源: かっぱえびせん「やめられない、とまらない!」を考えたのは私 生みの親がカルビーを提訴 (デイリー新潮) – Yahoo!ニュース

[コメント] 今の実務では、キャッチコピーもスローガンとして商標登録可能です。実際のところ、スローガンの商標登録は、競合他社への防衛というところが大きいと思われ、キャッチコピーの創作者の認定(創作者の記載欄なし)には用いられないでしょう。誰が作ったかでもめている場合は、その依頼の契約書に記載される権利の帰属を参照することになりそうです。

長~く使える妊婦用ベルト「商標侵害」 ピジョンを提訴:朝日新聞デジタル


情報源: 長~く使える妊婦用ベルト「商標侵害」 ピジョンを提訴:朝日新聞デジタル



商標登録insideNews: Amazon Go Trademark Filings Hint Firm’s “Checkout-Free” Shops Could be UK-Bound | Gizmodo UK

The online giant filed four applications for trademark slogans with the UK’s Intellectual Property Office, including “No Queue, No Checkout. (No, Seriously)” and “Every Queue is a Defect”.

情報源: Amazon Go Trademark Filings Hint Firm’s “Checkout-Free” Shops Could be UK-Bound | Gizmodo UK
