欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.43

EUIPO video

1.GIview – Demo Video, 8:09 EUIPO video

2.Update from Executive Director Christian Archambeau, 3:45

Update from Executive Director Christian Archambeau (26-11-2020)

3.Digits and numbers: When do they COUNT as trademarks?, 0:29

Digits and numbers: When do they COUNT as trademarks?

欧州連合商標制度 vol.1
欧州連合商標制度 vol.2

The European Union Intellectual Property Office, founded in 1994, is the European Union Agency responsible for the registration of the European Union trade mark and the registered Community design.


中国 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (China IP SME Helpdesk) vol. 2 商標_動画(embedded)

China IP SME Helpdesk video

1.Introduction to IP Protection in China,1:01:57 China IP SME Helpdesk

Introduction to IP Protection in China

2.Webinar Techinal IP Protection in Medtech Industry – PART 1, 1:15:09

Webinar Techinal IP Protection in Medtech Industry - PART 1

3.Business IP Protection in Medtech Industry, 59:18

Business IP Protection in Medtech Industry

4.E commerce IP policy and the Use of Technology in IP Protection, 1:24:47

E commerce IP policy and the Use of Technology in IP Protection

China IP SME Helpdesk
中国 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (China IP SME Helpdesk) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)

The China IP SME Helpdesk supports European Union (EU) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in or relating to Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.


米国商務省国際貿易局 (ITA) vol.5 商標_動画(embedded)

米国商務省国際貿易局 動画

1.Protect Your Intellectual Property (IP) Abroad、3:21 米国商務省国際貿易局 動画

Protect Your Intellectual Property (IP) Abroad

米国商務省国際貿易局(International Trade Administration)米国商務省国際貿易局 動画
米国商務省国際貿易局 (ITA) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)

The International Trade Administration creates prosperity by strengthening the international competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements.


内閣府政府広報オンライン @gov_online


韓国国立農産物品質管理院(NAQS) vol. 2 商標_動画(embedded)

韓国国立農産物品質管理院 動画

🚍with.국민안내양 김정연 韓国国立農産物品質管理院 動画

국립농산물품질관리원(韓国国立農産物品質管理院) (NAQS:National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service)
韓国国立農産物品質管理院(NAQS) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1
The NAQS is an organization under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of Korea and consists of a headquarters, Experiment Research Institute, 9 provincial offices and 121 branch offices.


ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.5 商標_動画(embedded)

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

1.Webinar BOIP cancellation procedure and the Benelux Court of Justice – 25 November 2020, 58:15 ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

Webinar BOIP cancellation procedure and the Benelux Court of Justice - 25 November 2020

Bienvenue à la Cour de Justice Benelux

続きを読む“ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.5 商標_動画(embedded)”


訂正印の3つの利用方法 -特許事務所での便利な書面の訂正方法 ㊞

訂正印の原点 実は訂正印を使用して早く簡単に訂正可能 コロナ禍からの影響で生活様式が大きくリモートワークにシフトしたことを受けて、職場での捺印が見直され、日本政府は脱印鑑を目指す舵取りを始めています。特許業界でも多くの書 …

商標登録insideNews: Piaggio Files Trademark For Electric Aprilia Scooter | www.carandbike.com

The ‘eSR1’ trademark filed by Piaggio hints at a possible electric Aprilia scooter, likely based on the Vespa Elettrica.

情報源: Piaggio Files Trademark For Electric Aprilia Scooter

商標の状態:Application filed

CL 12 Goods & Services
Veicoli a due, tre e quattro ruote; scooter elettrici; scooter elettrici a spinta [veicoli]; carrozzerie per veicoli; freni per veicoli; tappi per serbatoi di carburante per veicoli terrestri; rete portabagagli per veicoli; fodere per sedili di veicoli; molle ammortizzatrici per veicoli; ammortizzatori di sospensione per veicoli; telai di veicoli; sedili di veicoli; pneumatici; copertoni (pneumatici); dispositivi antisdrucciolevoli per pneumatici di veicoli; toppe adesive di caucciù per la riparazione di camere d'aria; pompe ad aria per biciclette e motocicli; scatole per la riparazione di camere d'aria, in particolare toppe per la riparazione di pneumatici; cerchi di ruote per veicoli; valvole di cerchioni per veicoli; air bag [dispositivi di sicurezza per automobili]; accendisigari elettrici per veicoli terrestri; antifurto per veicoli; segnalatori contro il furto di automobili; segnalatori acustici per veicoli; sedili di sicurezza per bambini per veicoli; campanelli per cicli; cavalletti per biciclette e motocicli; parafango; indicatori di direzione per veicoli; telai per biciclette e motocicli; portabagagli per veicoli; pedali per biciclette e motocicli; retrovisori; fodere di selle per biciclette e per motocicli; borse da sella per biciclette e motocicli; selle per biciclette e per motocicli; motori per veicoli terrestri; motori elettrici per veicoli terrestri; borse per motocicli, in particolare borse serbatoio, borse per sissy bar, borse posteriori, borse laterali rigide, bauletti.
Back to freedom, 0:36


商標登録insideNews: 第1回『日本ネーミング大賞』の大賞に「鼻セレブ」 優秀賞に大正14年発売の「救心」も:中日新聞Web

第1回 日本ネーミング大賞


情報源: 第1回『日本ネーミング大賞』の大賞に「鼻セレブ」 優秀賞に大正14年発売の「救心」も:中日新聞Web



情報源: TOTOの登録商標「ウォシュレット」が「日本ネーミング大賞2020」優秀賞を受賞|TOTOのプレスリリース


情報源: 日産の「スカイライン」が「日本ネーミング大賞2020」の優秀賞を受賞!|ハッチバック|Motor-Fan[モーターファン]

爆笑・太田、スピーチ中に光代社長を横目でチラ見/「日本ネーミング大賞2020」授賞式, 4:33 第1回 日本ネーミング大賞


商標登録insideNews: 2021の受賞結果が発表されました。 | 日本ネーミング大賞
商標登録insideNews: 太田光が審査委員長の日本ネーミング大賞2022は「ほぼカニ」に決定「カニっていっちゃうと食品偽装」| Yahoo!ニュース
The Japan Naming Association, an organization for all people and companies involved in naming, held an award ceremony for the 1st Japan Naming Awards 2020 on the 2nd.


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