1 Using ID.me to verify your identity as a trademark filer, 3;35
Using ID.me to verify your identity as a trademark filer
In this recorded webinar, we (USPTO) take an in-depth look at how user roles help regulate unauthorized trademark submissions and how you can determine the right role for your filing situation.
Academy of European Law, ERA (EuropäischeRechtsakademie) is a non-profit public foundation that provides training in European law to legal practitioners. Its patrons include most EU member states and it is supported by the EU. ERA organises conferences and seminars around Europe, has an e-learning platform and publishes a legal journal ERA Forum.
Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. Teams allows communities, groups, or teams to join through a specific URL or invitation sent by a team administrator or owner.
The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Commerce has completed the transfer of legal authority over the enforcement of trademark rights to the Saudi Arabian Intellectual Property Office (SAIP)
新しい中目黒庁舎では、知的財産高等裁判所は5階で、東京地裁の知的財産部は4階になります。知的財産高等裁判所は10月11日(火)(8:30 am)に業務開始予定、東京地裁の知的財産部【民事第29部/第40部/第46部/第47部】は10月17日(月)(8:30 am)に業務開始予定とされています。By Train NAKAMEGURO Sta. About 8-min walk EBISU Sta. About 11-min walk