ICANN vol. 4 商標_動画(embedded)

1.ICANN60 Welcome Video from Baher Esmat、1;46

ICANN60 Welcome Video from Baher Esmat

2.Working in the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) with Mark Carvell, GAC representative、7:31

Working in the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) with Mark Carvell, GAC representative

3.Philip Corwin Discusses Rights Protection Mechanisms Updates、5:20

Philip Corwin Discusses Rights Protection Mechanisms Updates

4.Jia-Rong Low and Save Vocea Provide an Update on Asia Pacific Engagement、7:45

Jia-Rong Low and Save Vocea Provide an Update on Asia Pacific Engagement

Trademark Clearinghouse 商標_動画(embedded)vol.1

新gTLD video

1.新gTLDの内の.insuranceの紹介 サンライズ期間は6月8日まで。2:16 新gTLD video

.INSURANCE : Trademark priority registration (extended)

2. 新gTLDの内の.storeの紹介 サンライズ期間は6月5日まで。

.STORE: Trademark priority registration (extended)

3. 新gTLDの内の.globalの紹介

Trademark Registration in .GLOBAL

Trademark Clearinghouse>のwebsite
新gTLDs環境での商標保護パターン:  – World Trademark Review

The Sunrise Period is a period during which only rights holders of registered trademarks or trademark holders registered with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) are given priority to register domain names.


ICANN 商標_動画(リンク)

1. ICANNの役割を解説してます。(日本語) 1:43
Getting to Know Contractual Compliance | Japanese

Getting to Know Contractual Compliance | Japanese

2.ICANNの紹介 3:55
What Does ICANN Do?

3.trademark clearinghouse 英語 with 日本語字幕, 3:11

Trademark Clearinghouse : exploring the new gTLD era (Japanese / 日本語)