商標登録insideNews: 「夕張メロン」「神戸ビーフ」海外で模倣品横行 | 日本農業新聞

夕張メロンや神戸ビーフ 海外で模倣品横行

夕張メロンや神戸ビーフ 海外で模倣品横行


情報源: タイとの地理的表示(GI)分野での協力について:農林水産省

ASEAN GI Databaseext-icon
商標登録insideNews:「オーストラリア産の神戸ビーフ」まで…海外で“偽”日本産が横行、食品の被害は年間741億円「北海道ミルク」「宇治抹茶」も|日テレNEWS NNNint-icon

A survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has revealed that there has been a succession of cases of fraudulent use of Japanese geographical indications (GIs) overseas, such as “Yubari Japanese Melon” from Thailand and “Kobe Beef” from Australia. If counterfeit products become widespread, it will hinder the export of genuine products.

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