商標登録insideNews: Lao joins TMview and DesignView

The Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) of Lao People’s Democratic Republic has made its trade mark and design data available to the TMview and DesignView search tools.With Lao on board of TMview and DesignView, both tools now contain data from 69 participating offices.With the addition of more than 46,000 trade marks from Lao DIP, TMview provides information and access to more than 53.3 million trade marks in total. DesignView contains more than 14.5 million designs, including 491 designs from Lao DIP.

情報源: Lao joins TMview and DesignView


商標登録Newsletter: ラオス、多区分の商標出願制度開始

ラオスは2016年2月1日より、多区分の商標出願を受け付ける。知的所有権局は、1つの商標の多区分出願の登録に各類ごとに登録料を求めるものとし、1つの類(class)で800,000 Lao Kip、知的所有権局のサービス …