商標登録insideNews: 特許庁見学のご案内 | 経済産業省 特許庁


情報源: 特許庁見学のご案内 | 経済産業省 特許庁


[2021.5.25 追加]

情報源: 徹底解剖!これが特許庁だ!~仮想特許庁~ | 経済産業省 特許庁



商標登録insideNews: Gambia ratifies the Banjul Protocol | World Trademark Review

Gambia in West Africa is home to the capital city in which the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation’s (ARIPO) Administrative Council first adopted the Banjul Protocol in 1993. Under ARIPO’s regional system, applicants are required to designate the member states for which their trademark protection is intended. The associated costs of the procedure depend on the number of designated states in each application. On 3 May Gambia joined the Banjul Protocol, bringing the number of member states to 12 (joining ARIPO, Botswana (joined 2003), Eswatini (1997), Lesotho (1999), Liberia (2010), Malawi (1997), Namibia (2004), Sao Tome and Principe (2016), Tanzania (1999), Uganda (2000) and Zimbabwe (1997)). The government deposited its instrument of ratification with the ARIPO director general on the same day.

情報源: Gambia ratifies the Banjul Protocol | World Trademark Review

the City of Banjul, Gambia

商標登録insideNews: Mozambique joins the Banjul Protocol (ARIPO System for Trademark Registration) – Inventa International
商標登録insideNews: Notice to all Applicants on the Amendments to the Banjul Protocol | The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)


商標登録insideNews: パイオニアがハイビスカス商標に対するブランド尊重を要請 | グリーンべると


情報源: パイオニアがハイビスカス商標に対するブランド尊重を要請 – グリーンべると


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: パイオニアがハイビスカス商標に対するブランド尊重を要請 | グリーンべると”


商標登録insideNews: 第9回ものづくり日本大賞の募集を開始します! (METI/経済産業省)

経済産業省は、国土交通省、厚生労働省、文部科学省と連携して、ものづくりの第一線で活躍する方々を表彰する内閣総理大臣表彰「ものづくり日本大賞」を実施しています。 本日(2021.5.20)より、経済産業省では第9回ものづくり日本大賞の受賞候補者の募集を開始します。

情報源: 第9回ものづくり日本大賞の募集を開始します! (METI/経済産業省)

2021年5月20日(木曜日) 応募開始
2021年8月31日(火曜日) 応募締切(必着)
2021年秋頃~ 第1次・第2次審査
2022年秋以降 受賞者決定、表彰式開催

第9回ものづくり日本大賞, 5:08


ものづくり日本大賞ウェブサイト外部リンク flyer


商標登録insideNews: Google seeks to terminate legal protection of Russian company’s trademark | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).

MOSCOW, May 19 (RAPSI) — Google LLC has filed a lawsuit against Intra Service Company seeking the early termination of its trademark due to the the failure to use it, according to Russia’s Intellectual Property Court (IP Court). The American company seeks termination of “Intra services company” trademark, in which the last two words are unprotected elements, in relation to the services including advertising and business management, as well as scientific and technological services.

情報源: Google seeks to terminate legal protection of Russian company’s trademark | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).


商標登録insideNews: China joins TMview | EUIPO

China joins TMview

As of today, the 19 May 2021, TMview will include trade mark data made available by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), taking the total number of trade marks in the search tool from 62 to over 90 million from 75 participating IP Offices.

情報源: EUIPO – China joins TMview

Over 32 million trade marks from China 🇨🇳 are now available on TMview.

TMview – Inclusion of trade marks from China, 1:50 China joins TMview

TMview – Inclusion of trade marks from China


Guiyang, Guizhou, China

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA; Chinese: 国家知识产权局) is the patent and trademark office of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).


商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes | bloomberglaw.com

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is set to issue a proposal for implementing a new law aimed at weeding out fraudulent trademarks.The proposed new procedures would provide a faster, more efficient, and cheaper path for having a mark never used in commerce canceled, the office said in a notice of proposed rulemaking scheduled to be published in Tuesday’s Federal Register. The filing fee for petitions would be $600 per challenged class of products covered by the trademark, under the proposal.

情報源: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes

Changes To Implement Provisions of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020[Proposed Rule / Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 18, 2021] PDF 2021.5.18

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes | bloomberglaw.com”


商標登録insideNews: USPTO updates China IPR toolkit | USPTO

USPTO updates China IPR toolkit May 18, 2021 The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently updated the China Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) toolkit to reflect the recent changes made to China’s intellectual property (IP)-related laws and government structure.Originally published in October 2019, the toolkit provides general guidance for businesses and practi­tioners in better understanding the basics of the IP landscape in China. Published in May 2021, the updated China IPR toolkit highlights the differences between the U.S. and Chinese IP rights legal systems.

情報源: USPTO updates China IPR toolkit | USPTO

米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA

商標登録InsideNews: 外国出願に要する費用の半額を補助します | 経済産業省 特許庁

特許庁では、中小企業の戦略的な外国出願を促進するため、外国への事業展開等を計画している中小企業等に対して、外国出願にかかる費用の半額を助成しています。 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)と各都道府県等中小企業支援センター等が窓口となり、全国の中小企業の皆様が支援を受けることができます。地域団体商標の外国出願については商工会議所、商工会、NPO法人等も応募できます。また、意匠においては、「ハーグ協定に基づく意匠の国際出願」も支援対象です。

情報源: 外国出願に要する費用の半額を補助します | 経済産業省 特許庁



