商標登録insideNews: 「弘道館」の商標無効求める 佐賀県、特許庁に審判請求へ|佐賀新聞LiVE


情報源: 「弘道館」の商標無効求める 佐賀県、特許庁に審判請求へ|行政・社会|佐賀新聞ニュース|佐賀新聞LiVE


商標登録insideNews: Proposed USPTO Trademark Fee Adjustments Portend Big Changes for Trad | Hogan Lovells Engage

The USPTO has recently released its latest trademark fee proposal for 2020.  The proposal includes substantial increases to many existing fees, and over 20 brand new fees for actions previously available at no cost.  The primary purpose of these changes is to preserve and maintain the integrity of the Register by ensuring applicants adhere to U.S. specification and use requirements and to recoup more of the costs associated with TTAB proceedings.

情報源: Proposed USPTO Trademark Fee Adjustments Portend Big Changes for Trad – Hogan Lovells Engage


商標登録insideNews: Disputes over geographical indications of wine trademarks | China Business Law Journal

Foreign geographical indications (GIs) may be granted protection even without a trademark registration in China. GIs are indications that identify a good as originating from a certain region or locality, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to the natural or humanistic features of the place indicated. What if an indication is accredited as a GI in its country of origin – is it sufficient to be granted protection in China without being registered as a trademark? On 10 January 2011, Fujian Longwang Trading filed an application to the Trademark Office for registration of Trademark No. 9037930 “罗曼尼·康帝” (disputed trademark, Chinese transliteration of “Romanee-Conti”) on class 33 goods of “Wine; Whiskey”. The application was approved for registration on 21 January 2012.

情報源: Disputes over geographical indications of wine trademarks

 无效宣告 实审裁文发文 结束 2019年11月13日


商標登録insideNews: 「オムロン電子体温計 MC-670/MC-681けんおんくん」が立体商標登録|オムロン ヘルスケア

「オムロン電子体温計 MC-670/MC-681けんおんくん」が立体商標登録のページです。オムロン ヘルスケアのニュースリリースをご案内します。

情報源: 「オムロン電子体温計 MC-670/MC-681けんおんくん」が立体商標登録 | ニュースリリース|企業情報|オムロン ヘルスケア

Jplatpat 商標登録第6197317号

登録日:令和1(2019)年 11月 15日
出願日:平成30(2018)年 8月 28日
商品及び役務の区分並びに指定商品又は指定役務 10 体温計


ペルー国立知的財産保護機関(Indecopi) vol.16 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

ペルー国立知的財産保護機関 動画

Registro de marcas ペルー国立知的財産保護機関 動画

ペルー国立知的財産保護機関(Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual)
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別

La Dirección de Signos Distintivos es el órgano resolutivo con autonomía técnica, funcional y administrativa encargado de proteger los derechos otorgados sobre marcas, lemas comerciales, nombres comerciales, marcas colectivas, marcas de certificación, y denominaciones de origen, indicaciones geográficas y especialidades tradicionales garantizadas, así como administrar los registros de los contratos que contengan licencias sobre signos distintivos y de transferencia de tecnología.


ベネズエラ知的財産自治公務庁(SAPI) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.7

1.Registra tu Derecho de Autor, 0:46

Registra tu Derecho de Autor

2.Protege tu creación, dale un alto a la piratería,0:26

Protege tu creación, dale un alto a la piratería

3.SAPI certifica marca de productos de alimentos “Del Guárico”, 0:36

SAPI certifica marca de productos de alimentos "Del Guárico"

世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.48 商標_動画(embedded)


1. Summary: 42nd Session of WIPO’s Trademarks Committee (SCT), 1:41 WIPO 動画

Summary: 42nd Session of WIPO's Trademarks Committee (SCT)

2. Explained: What is a Trade Secret?, 0:50

Explained: What is a Trade Secret?

3. WIPO Director General Opens Symposium on Trade Secrets and Innovation, 14:11

WIPO Director General Opens Symposium on Trade Secrets and Innovation

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation.


米国特許商標庁(USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.14

Invention-Con 2019

Invention-Con Invention-Con 2019

The USPTO’s annual Invention-Con is a chance for independent inventors, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and intellectual property (IP) professionals to learn from top government and private sector experts. This year’s theme was “Your IP: A power tool for building success.”
Invention Con 2019

米国商標制度 vol.1


カナダ知的財産庁(CIPO)vol.8 商標_動画(embedded)

カナダ知的財産庁 動画

1.Aboriginal Peoples Television Network IP Success Story, 3:41 カナダ知的財産庁 動画
The CEO of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, discusses the importance of intellectual property (IP) in business.

Stories of IP - Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. 


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