商標登録insideNews: Spain Industrial Law Field Sees New Procedural Developments | natlawreview.com

Spain Industrial Law Reform Proposed

The Spanish government has approved a draft bill to reform the three main industrial property laws: the Trademark Law, the Industrial Design Law and the Patent Law. The purpose of the changes are to order to solve various problems that industrial property right holders face today in Spain. The reform contains interesting new provisions for the holders of industrial property rights and for those professionals whose practice is in the field of industrial property law.

情報源: Spain Industrial Law Field Sees New Procedural Developments

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商標登録insideNews: 偽ブランド品、個人輸入でも没収可能に…関税法改正案提出へ | 読売新聞オンライン

関税法改正案 模倣品個人輸入対策

政府は、偽ブランド品など模倣品の輸入について、個人向けの規制を強化する。個人が海外の事業者から購入した場合に没収できるようにする。模倣品の国内流入を抑える狙いがある。 関税法改正案を開会中の通常国会に提出して、2022年度中の施行を目指す。商標法では、個人が自分で使うために海外の親族や知人から模倣品を送ってもらうことは、規制対象となっていない。実際は転売目的なのに「自分用」と称して海外業者から個人輸入するという問題が指摘されてきた。今年中に改正商標法が施行され、個人による海外業者からの輸入は違法となる。合わせて税関の権限を定める関税法も改正し、個人使用が目的であっても、海外業者を介した模倣品と確認されれば、税関が没収できる。

情報源: 偽ブランド品、個人輸入でも没収可能に…関税法改正案提出へ : 経済 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン

令和4年度関税率・関税制度改正要望事項(海外の事業者を仕出人とする模倣品の水際取締りの強化)関税法改正案 模倣品個人輸入対策(財務省)

第二条 (略)
2~6 (略)

⑷ 海外の事業者を仕出人とする模倣品の水際取締りの強化

「関税定率法等の一部を改正する法律案」について 令和4年1月 財務省
関税法 差止手続

The government will strengthen regulations for individuals on the import of counterfeit goods such as counterfeit brand goods. To allow an individual to confiscate goods purchased from an overseas business operator. The aim is to curb the influx of counterfeit goods into the domestic market.


商標登録insideNews: Notice of 7 September 2021 | DPMA

Notice of 7 September 2021 – concerning the Second Act to Simplify and Modernise Patent Law (Zweites Gesetz zur Vereinfachung und Modernisierung des Patentrechts) of 10 August 2021 and the Act on Further Duties of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and to Revise the Patent Costs Act (Gesetz über weitere Aufgaben des Deutschen Patent- und Markenamts und zur Änderung des Patentkostengesetzes) of 30 August 2021 – Contents of the notice

情報源: DPMA | Notice of 7 September 2021

ドイツ特許商標庁(DPMA)、特許法等公布に併せ今後の業務の変更点などを公表 – JETRO デュッセルドルフ事務所

4. Trade mark procedures
a) Harmonisation with the current legal situation of the Madrid system (entry into force: 1 May 2022)
The Trade Mark Act, the Trade Mark Ordinance (Markenverordnung) and the schedule of fees are brought into line with the current legal situation of the Madrid system (sections 107 et seq. of the Trade Mark Act, section 25 No. 31, sections 43, 45 and 46 (1) of the Trade Mark Ordinance, Part A section III No. 5 of the annex to section 2 (1) of the Patent Costs Act). Since 31 October 2015, all members of the Madrid Agreement are also members of the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement. Due to the fact that the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement takes priority over the Madrid Agreement, the international registration of marks is now only governed by the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement. This is taken into account by the amendments.

b) Clarifying the calculation of the duration of protection in the Trade Mark Act (entry into force: 18 August 2021)
The provisions on the duration of protection in the Trade Mark Act and in the European Union Trade Mark Regulation will be completely harmonised as regards their wording. In order to facilitate the calculation of the time limit, it is clarified by means of the harmonisation that section 47 (1) of the Trade Mark Act – just as the European Union Trade Mark Regulation – refers to a time period that is triggered by an event. The calculation of the duration of protection will not be changed as a result of the amendment.

6. Fee provisions
e) Switching back from the "one-class model" to the "three-class model" for the conversion of a European Union trade mark into a national trade mark (entry into force: 1 May 2022)
For the conversion of a European Union trade mark into a national trade mark, what is known as the “three-class model” will be reintroduced into the fee system (part A, section III, No. 5 of the annex to section 2 (1) of the Patent Costs Act). Under the up to now applicable "one-class model", the conversion of European Union trade marks into national trade marks results in higher fees compared to a national trade mark application, for which the "three-class model" applies, although the examination effort is basically the same. This will be remedied by the amendment.

station building


商標登録insideNews: “A quantum leap forward for Fiji brand protection” – praise for first new Trademarks Act in 90 years | World Trademark Review

At present, the Fiji Trademarks Act was implemented in 1933 and was based on the UK Trademarks Act of 1905. It has broadly remained unchanged ever since. The biggest issue for modern practitioners is Fiji not being a member of the Nice Agreement, meaning it does not use the International Classification of Goods and Services. Instead, it uses a version of the 1938 British Classification system – a system that is particularly dated in 2021 (it has only 50 different goods classes and 10 subclasses, no service classes, and some archaic categorisations, such as Fijian class 22 being for ‘carriages’ and Fijian class 8 being for ‘philosophical instruments’).That is now set to change. At the end of August 2021, the new Fijian Trademarks Act 2021 was gazetted, with a commencement date set to be announced soon. It is understood the new law is similar to the New Zealand Trademarks Act 2002 (which itself is similar to the Singapore Trademarks Act 1998 and the United Kingdom Trademarks Act 1994), although differences are expected when the full act is published in due course.

情報源: “A quantum leap forward for Fiji brand protection” – praise for first new Trademarks Act in 90 years | World Trademark Review

Fiji Trademark Act 1933


商標insideNews: SHOP SAFE Act Reintroduction Welcomed by Apparel and Footwear Industry | aafaglobal.org

The American Apparel & Footwear Association welcomed the reintroduction of the SHOP SAFE Act today. The bipartisan bill establishes trademark liability for online marketplace platforms when a third-party sells a counterfeit that poses a risk to consumer health or safety (and when that platform does not follow certain best practices).

情報源: SHOP SAFE Act Reintroduction Welcomed by Apparel and Footwear Industry

米国 SHOP SAFE Act 法案は議会通過前の状態ですが、商標法(ラナム法)の改正(Section 32 に追加条文)を予定しています。法案では、第三者が消費者の健康や安全にリスクをもたらす偽造品を販売した場合(およびそのプラットフォームが特定の実務手法に従わない場合)、E-Commerceプラットフォームの商標上の責任を確立します。また、E-Commerceプラットフォームのにインセンティブを与えて、正当性を確保するための売り手の審査、偽造品のリストの削除、偽造品を繰り返し販売する売り手の削除などの実務手法を確立することも目的としています。

shop safe

電子商取引プラットフォームにおける模倣品対策法案の上程 JETRO

H.R. 6058 (116th): SHOP SAFE Act of 2020 w/ machine translation by DeepL

To amend the Trademark Act of 1946 to provide for contributory liability for certain electronic commerce platforms for use of a counterfeit mark by a third party on such platforms, and for other purposes.

1.Short title
This Act may be cited as the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fakes in E-commerce Act of 2020 or the SHOP SAFE Act of 2020.

2.Contributory liability for electronic commerce platforms
Section 32 of the Act entitled An Act to provide for the registration and protection of trademarks used in commerce, to carry out the provisions of certain international conventions, and for other purposes, approved July 5, 1946 (commonly known as the Trademark Act of 1946) (15 U.S.C. 1114), is amended by inserting at the end the following:


(A)An electronic commerce platform shall be contributorily liable for infringement by a third-party seller participating on the platform for use in commerce of a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods that implicate health and safety, unless the following requirements are met:
(i)The third-party seller is available for service of process in the United States.
(ii)Before any alleged infringing act by the third-party seller, the platform demonstrates that the platform took each of the following reasonable steps to prevent such use on the platform:
(I)Verified through governmental identification and other reliable documentation the identity, principal place of business, and contact information of the third-party seller.
(II)Required the third-party seller to verify and attest to the authenticity of goods on or in connection with which a registered mark is used.
(III)Imposed on the third-party seller as a condition of participating on the platform contractual requirements that—
(aa)the third-party seller agrees not to use a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform; and
(bb)the third-party seller consents to the jurisdiction of United States courts with respect to claims related to the third-party seller’s participation on the platform.
(IV)Displayed conspicuously on the platform the verified principal place of business, contact information, and identity of the third-party seller, the country of origin and manufacture of the goods, and the location from which the goods will be shipped.
(V)Required each third-party seller to use images that the seller owns or has permission to use and that accurately depict the actual goods offered for sale on the platform.
(VI)Implemented at no cost to the registrant proactive technological measures for screening goods before displaying the goods to the public to prevent any third-party seller’s use of a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform.
(VII)Implemented at no cost to the registrant a program to expeditiously disable or remove from the platform a listing by any third-party seller that reasonably could be determined to have used a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods.
(VIII)Terminated use of the platform by any third-party seller that has engaged in more than three instances of use of a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform.
(IX)Implemented at no cost to the registrant technological measures for screening third-party sellers to ensure that sellers who have been terminated do not rejoin or remain on the platform under a different seller identity or alias.
(X)Provided the information verified under clause (I) of each third-party seller that used a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform to relevant law enforcement and, upon request, the registrant.
(B)In this paragraph:
(i)The term counterfeit mark has the meaning given that term in section 34(d)(1)(B).
(ii)The term electronic commerce platform means any electronically accessed platform that includes publicly interactive features that allow for arranging the sale, purchase, payment, or shipping of goods, or that enables a person other than an operator of such platform to sell or offer to sell physical goods to consumers located in the United States.
(iii)The term goods that implicate health and safety means goods the use of which can lead to illness, disease, injury, serious adverse event, allergic reaction, or death if produced without compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local health and safety regulations and industry-designated testing, safety, quality, certification, manufacturing, packaging, and labeling standards.
(iv)The term third-party seller means a person other than the electronic commerce platform who uses the platform to arrange for the sale, purchase, payment, or shipping of goods.
(C)Nothing in this paragraph may be construed to limit liability for direct infringement.

商標登録insideNews: New Procedures and Rules for the Trademark Modernization Act | natlawreview.com

The Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (“TMA”) was signed into law at the end of last year, and we recently provided an overview of three key provisions practitioners and trademark o

情報源: New Procedures and Rules for the Trademark Modernization Act

us cafe

2021年末に施行が予定されている商標近代化法(TMA)について概要が少し明らかになってきています。今回の法改正で導入される抹消(expungement)手続と再審査(reexamination)手続ですが、まず抹消手続は1,44,66条の基礎の出願が登録された場合を対象としていて、その登録後3年から10年の間であればいつでも請求可能です。再審査手続は主張された最初の使用日以降使用していない1条の基礎の出願を対象とし、登録後 最初の5年間であればいつでも請求できます。手数料はクラスごとに600ドルとなっています。ガイダンスによれば、これらの手続に際しては合理的な調査を含むものとされており、その情報源としては登録者および第三者の Websiteや出版物、登録者の市場での活動、政府の提出書類や訴訟などがあります。手続では、請願が受理された後、拒絶理由の形式で商標権者に通知され、商標権者には応答に2ヶ月の期間が与えられます。商標権者の応答が不十分な場合、最終の拒絶理由が通知され、商標権者が請願を受けた商品または役務に関連して適切な使用を最終的に実証できない場合、登録全体のキャンセルを含め、請願を受けた商品または役務は登録から削除されます。



米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.19

1.Roundtable on the implementation of the Trademark Modernization Act, 1:26:08

Roundtable on the implementation of the Trademark Modernization Act

米国 商標近代化法(Trademark Modernization Act of 2020)

To implement the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA), we’re proposing changes to the Trademark rules of practice. The proposed changes, when implemented, will give U.S. businesses new tools to clear away unused registered trademarks from the federal trademark register and will give the USPTO the ability to move applications through the system more efficiently. 

情報源: USPTO proposes new rules to implement the Trademark Modernization Act | USPTO

The TMA has created three new tools to address this goal. Specifically, the TMA (i) provides for a broader and easier Letter of Protest system; (ii) creates a streamlined expungement procedure; and (iii) establishes new grounds for the re-examination of a registration.

情報源: U.S. Trademark Modernisation: What It Means for Foreign Brand Owners | Articles | Finnegan | Leading Intellectual Property Law Firm


商標登録insideNews「特許法等の一部を改正する法律案」が閣議決定されました | 経済産業省


情報源: 「特許法等の一部を改正する法律案」が閣議決定されました (METI/経済産業省)

b)口座振込による予納、Credit Card払での特許料等の窓口支払




情報源: 特許の口頭審理 ウェブ会議で可能に 特許法改正案 閣議決定 | 菅内閣 | NHKニュース


台湾 公告商標法部分條文修正草案 | 經濟部智慧財產局

台湾 商標法部分條文修正草案

公告商標法部分條文修正草案 パブリックコメント募集 添付資料に詳述されているように、商標法のいくつかの規定に対する改正案が提案されています。この改正案の草案の修正についてコメントまたは提案がある場合は、この草案の公開後60日以内に書面によるコメントを提供してください。

情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-布告欄-公告商標法部分條文修正草案台湾 商標法部分條文修正草案
商標法の一部改正案の概要について(發布日期 : 110-01-07)

taiwan sea cliff
続きを読む“台湾 公告商標法部分條文修正草案 | 經濟部智慧財產局”


米国 商標近代化法(Trademark Modernization Act of 2020)


商標近代化法(“Trademark Modernization Act of 2020”)は2020年12月27日に立法化され、2021年12月27日に施行予定です。不使用の商標を登録から外すための、第3者の情報提供制度、査定系抹消手続(Ex Parte Expungement)と査定系再審査手続(Ex Parte Reexamination)が新たに制度化され、また、商標権侵害について反論できる回復不能な損害(rebuttable presumption of irreparable harm)が生じていると見なすこと、さらに柔軟な拒絶理由通知(Office Action)の応答期間についても規定されています。
halfmoon bay
続きを読む“米国 商標近代化法(Trademark Modernization Act of 2020)”
