商標登録insideNews: The New UAE Trademark Law: All You Must Know | Programming Insider

UAE Trademark Law Revised

The UAE has announced the most significant legislative change in years, including the enactment of Federal Trademarks Law No. 36 of 2021 (“New UAE Trademark Law”), which came into effect on January 2, 2022. The New Law will completely replace Federal Law No. 37 of 1992, modified (the “Old Law”). It is the most noticeable change to Trademark Law in UAE since the Old Law was enacted. While the latest issued Trademark Law in UAE is mainly based on the GCC Unified Trademarks Law, it includes several new features and processes.

情報源: The New UAE Trademark Law: All You Must Know – Programming Insider

New Registration under Madrid

The UAE Ministry of Economy has registered the Investopia Summit as the first trademark after joining the Madrid Protocol for International Trademark Registration as the country seeks to consolidate its position as an intellectual property hub in the region. Registration with the World Intellectual Property Organisation will protect the summit’s trademark in more than 125 countries

情報源: UAE registers Investopia Summit as first trademark under Madrid Protocol

UAE Trademark dubai
Dubai, UAE


商標登録insideNews: The United Arab Emirates Join the Madrid System | WIPO

On September 28, 2021, the Government of the United Arab Emirates deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO Deputy Director General Hasan Kleib, making it the 109th member of the Madrid System, which now covers 125 countries. This also makes it the third country in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), alongside Bahrain and Oman to join the Madrid Union. The Protocol will enter into force for the United Arab Emirates on December 28, 2021.

情報源: The United Arab Emirates Join the Madrid System

United Arab Emirates Joins WIPO’s International Trademark System, 2:33

United Arab Emirates Joins WIPO's International Trademark System

アラブ首長国連邦がマドリッド制度に加入します。施行日は2021年12月28日です。最新(2021.7)のマドプロ加盟国のリスト マドリッド制度締約国(マドリッドプロトコル)の 一覧

商標登録insideNews: Trademark registration in UAE increases by 30% in December | ZAWYA MENA Edition

UAE increases TM filing number by 30% in December

UAE increases TM filing number by 30% in December

ABU DHABI – The number of trademarks registered in the UAE increased by 30.5 percent in December 2019 compared to November 2019, reflecting the country’s growing leadership as a regional business centre in the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, and throughout the Middle East.

情報源: Trademark registration in UAE increases by 30% in December | ZAWYA MENA Edition

Gulf Cooperation Council
商標登録insideNews: The New UAE Trademark Law: All You Must Know | Programming Insiderint-icon

商標登録insideNews: The UAE reduces some trademark fees | IP Coster

UAE reduces TM fees

UAE reduces TM fees

The UAE Ministry of Economy has implemented significant reductions regarding the fees for registration and renewal of trademarks. These amendments were first published on the Ministry of Economy official website on July 13, 2019, applying to pending and new applications

情報源: The UAE reduces some trademark fees

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Global Innovation Index 2018関連ニュース 商標_動画(embedded)

1.China ranks 17th on Global Innovation Index 2018、2:02

2.China in top 20 most innovative economies、5:02

3.UAE ranked most innovative country in the Arab world、0:49

4.Việt Nam tiếp tục cải thiện chỉ số đổi mới sáng tạo toàn cầu、3:00

5.90 seconds @ 9am : NZ slips in innovation rankings, 2:54

*Global Innovation Index 2018関連のNEWSがUPLOADされれば、順次追加する予定です。

PrintNEW YORK–China joined the world’s top 20 most innovative economies for the first time while the United States fell out of the five top-ranked countries, according to a report released Tuesday by one of its co-sponsors, the U.N. intellectual property agency.The Global Innovation Index 2018 keeps Switzerland in the No. 1 spot, followed by the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and Singapore. The United States fell from fourth place in 2017 to sixth this year, while China jumped from 22nd to 17th in the rankings. Japan is ranked No.13.

情報源: China joins 20 most innovative economies, U.S. falls to No. 6:The Asahi Shimbun


UAE商標(アラブ首長国連邦商標)制度( アラブ首長国連邦(United Arab Emirates)はアラビア半島のペルシア湾に面した地域に位置する7つの首長国からなる連邦国家です。商標については政府機関のうちのアラブ …