商標登録insideNews: Index to Changes in TMEP November 2023 | USPTO

Index to Changes in TMEP November 2023

Since October 2012, the TMEP has been identified by the month and year in which it is issued. The current version of the TMEP is November 2023.

情報源: Guides, Manuals, and Resources | USPTO

Index to Changes in TMEP November 2023

Index to Changes in TMEP November 2023 (PDF)

新しいセクション: 代替不可能なトークン (NFT) によって認証されたダウンロード可能なデジタル ファイル (TMEP §1401.15(b)) (PDFより抜粋)

ニース分類の第 12 版に基づき、専門家委員会は”代替不可能なトークン(NFT) によって認証されたダウンロード可能なデジタル ファイル”という項目を第9類 のニースのアルファベット順リストに追加しています。第9類 における当該商品の分類は、第9類 のニースのクラス見出しの「記録およびダウンロード可能なメディア、コンピューター ソフトウェア」という文言に基づいており、ニースのアルファベット順リストの項目に類似しています。なお「代替不可能なトークン [NFT] によって認証されたダウンロード可能なデジタルファイル」は、Nice 12-2023 に従ってクラス 9 に明確に分類されていますが、その記載は商品として受け入れられません。TMEP 8 §1402.01 を参照してください。 一般に、代替不可能なトークンによって認証されたダウンロード可能なデジタル ファイルの商品記載 は、ファイルの種類 (音声ファイルや画像ファイルなど) と主題を示す必要があります。

Although “downloadable digital files authenticated by non-fungible tokens [NFTs]” are clearly classified in Class 9 pursuant to Nice 12-2023, that wording is not acceptable to identify the goods. See TMEP §1402.01. Generally, identifications for downloadable digital files authenticated by non-fungible tokens must indicate the type (e.g., audio files or image files) and subject matter of the files.

米国商標 審査ガイド Examination Guide 3-23, August 2023の解説

商標登録insideNews: 修正「聲明不專用審查基準」及「無須聲明不專用例示事項」,並自中華民國112年8月1日生效。| TIPO

台湾智慧財產局 権利不要求についての審査基準改定


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-布告欄-修正「聲明不專用審查基準」及「無須聲明不專用例示事項」,並自中華民國112年8月1日生效。


Taiwan, Liberty Square Arch
(台湾 自由廣場)

聲明不專用審查基準畫線公告版 (権利不要求についての審査基準 2023.8.1運用開始)台湾智慧財產局 権利不要求についての審査基準改定
台湾商標制度 vol.1

The applicant should declare that he does not claim exclusive use of the “disclaimed part” that should not be registered separately by law rights, so that the overall distinctive trademark can be reserved for those parts that cannot be registered separately.

商標登録insideNews: Taiwan Intellectual Property Office-News-Revisions to the Examination Guidelines on Certification Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Collective Trademarks Take Effect on October 1, 2022

台湾經濟部智慧財產局 証明・団体商標 審査基準改正

Revisions to the Examination Guidelines on Certification Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Collective Trademarks Take Effect on October 1, 2022

情報源: Taiwan Intellectual Property Office-News-Revisions to the Examination Guidelines on Certification Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Collective Trademarks Take Effect on October 1, 2022台湾經濟部智慧財產局 証明・団体商標 審査基準改正

台湾經濟部智慧財產局 証明・団体商標 審査基準(繁体語)

I. 規定の順序を反映するために、その名称を「証明標章、団体標章および団体商標に関する審査基準」に変更しました。
III. 申請者が、商品の製造とマーケティング、または認定対象のサービスの提供に関与するビジネスを所有していないという宣言については、申請者が認証対象の製品またはサービスと同じ範囲で商標を登録することを禁止する明確な規定を設けています。
IV. 認証マークの使用を管理する規則は、認証される製品またはサービスの名前を明確に示す必要があります。
V. 証明標章、団体会員標章の登録に関して、何が「明らかに不適切」(商標法第 30 条第 1 項第 10 号で使用される用語)を構成するかを判断するための原則を説明するための例を示します。


商標登録insideNews: CNIPA Guidelines for Trademark Examination and Trial | natlawreview.com

China’s National Intellectual Property Administration  (CNIPA) released the Guidelines for Trademark Examination and Trial (商标审查审理指南) on November 22, 2021, effective January 1, 2022.  The Guidelines, which are somewhat analogous to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office’s (USPTO’s) Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure, explains the Trademark Law’s Article 4, which states, in part, “malicious trademark registration applications that are not intended for use shall be rejected” by providing 10 factors to identify malicious applications.

情報源: CNIPA Guidelines for Trademark Examination and Trial


珠江 パールリバー

商標登録insideNews: New USPTO Trademark Manual | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra

ICYMI, a new Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) was released by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) last month.  The July 2021 revision replaces and supersedes the October 2018 version, and it incorporates final rules, examination guides, and Supreme Court decisions that have issued since then. 

情報源: New USPTO Trademark Manual | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra

Change Summary (INDEX TO CHANGES IN TMEP July 2021)


商標登録insideNews: 2020年度知的財産権制度説明会(実務者向け)知的財産権について学べます(オンライン配信) | 経済産業省 特許庁


情報源: 2020年度知的財産権制度説明会(実務者向け)知的財産権について学べます(オンライン配信) | 経済産業省 特許庁


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 2020年度知的財産権制度説明会(実務者向け)知的財産権について学べます(オンライン配信) | 経済産業省 特許庁”

商標登録insideNews: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office bolsters protection of common food names | Farm Forum | aberdeennews.com

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Consortium for Common Food Names (CCFN), U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC), National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), North American Meat Institute (NAMI), National Association of State Departments

情報源: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office bolsters protection of common food names | Farm Forum | aberdeennews.com

Examination Guide 2-20
Marks Including Geographic Wording that Does Not Indicate Geographic Origin of Cheeses and Processed Meats

Examination Guide 2-20, May 2020
Marks Including Geographic Wording that Does Not Indicate Geographic Origin of Cheeses and Processed Meats
May 2020

This examination guide sets out the procedures for examining applications for cheeses and processed meats in which the mark includes geographic wording (hereinafter “geosignificant wording”) that does not indicate geographic origin, but otherwise may be a generic designation for such goods. See Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) § 1210.02(b)(iii). The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended to provide clarity regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies. This guidance supersedes any previous United States Patent and Trademark Office guidance on this topic to the extent there are any conflicts.

Two federal agencies maintain lists of particular cheeses or processed meats for which the producers of such goods must satisfy certain requirements or standards in order to label or market them with the listed common name of the product. Thus, these names cannot be single-source indicators, and inclusion on such lists is strong evidence that the otherwise geo-significant wording is generic for the goods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety of the nation’s food supply, establishes mandatory requirements, known as “standards of identity,” for marketing cheese products under specific common names. These standards of identity relate solely to the production methods and ingredients necessary to label a product with the common name given to that standard. For example, part 133 of title 21, chapter 1, subchapter B (Food for Human Consumption) includes standards of identity for the following types of cheeses: CHEDDAR, EDAM, ROMANO, and PROVOLONE. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), also responsible for ensuring food safety, establishes standards of identity for labeling of processed meat products under specific common names. For example, USDA regulations part 319 include standards of identity for the following types of processed meat: FRANKFURTER, WIENER, BOLOGNA, and BRAUNSCHWEIGER. In addition to these two federal agencies, an international body, Codex Alimentarius (hereinafter “Codex”), operates within the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization to establish international food standards for, among other things, cheese. Codex standards of identity for cheese include: BRIE, CAMEMBERT, EDAM, GOUDA, and HAVARTI. Because standards of identity relate solely to production methods and ingredients, there is no requirement that the product come from a specific place, even though many of these terms identify a cheese or processed meat that once came only from the place referred to in
the name (e.g., CHEDDAR originated in Cheddar, England; BRIE originated in Brie, France; and BOLOGNA originated in Bologna, Italy). Therefore, such geo-significant terms differ from certification and collective marks of regional origin, which are registrable under Trademark Act § 4, 15. U.S.C. § 1054. Certification and collective marks of regional origin refer to the place the products come from and the quality standards they meet. Standards
of identity are food-labeling requirements intended to prevent consumers from being misled as to what product they are buying.

In addition to searching for evidence using traditional sources, when a mark includes geosignificant wording relating to a particular cheese or processed meat, the examining attorney must also conduct research to determine if the wording is a standard of identity for the goods specified in the application, using sources of evidence that are appropriate for the particular goods specified in the application (e.g., the FDA, USDA, and Codex databases). The examining attorney may submit a request to the Trademark Law Library to undertake such research or may personally conduct the research. In either case, the examining attorney must add a Note to the File indicating “standards of identity search” or “Law Library standards of identity search.” Evidence that the particular term is a standard of identity must be included with the Office action. If available, the examining attorney should include additional evidence that shows how the proposed mark would be perceived in the marketplace. Note that if the name of a product appears only on the Codex list, further evidence, such as a dictionary definition or internet evidence of the product’s availability to U.S. consumers, must be included. When warranted by the evidence, the examining attorney must refuse registration or require a disclaimer under § 2(e)(1) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1052(e)(1), in accordance with current practice as outlined in the TMEP. TMEP §§ 1209.02, 1209.02(a), 1213.03(a). Because inclusion on the FDA or USDA list is strong evidence that the term is generic for the particular cheese or processed meat, when the marks include or consist of such terms, the examining attorney should also advise the applicant that the relevant wording appears to be the generic term for the goods, in accordance with current practice as outlined in TMEP § 1209.02(a) (“If there is strong evidence that the proposed mark is generic, a statement that the subject matter appears to be a generic name for the goods or services should be included in conjunction with the refusal on the ground that the matter is merely descriptive.”). When there is evidence that the accuracy of a product’s compliance with standards of identity is material to purchasing decisions—in other words, the consumer bought the product thinking it was the particular cheese or processed meat named in the mark—a mark including or consisting of such terms used on non-compliant cheeses or processed meats would be deceptive under § 2(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1052(a). Therefore, the examining attorney must require that the applicant amend the identification of goods to include the term. See TMEP §§ 1203.02(a), (d), (e)(i)-(ii), (f)(i). If the name of a standard of identity comprises, in whole or in part, a mark for services that relate to cheese or processed meat, the assigned examining attorney must consult the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy before taking any action on the application.

商標登録insideNews: 「平成」など旧元号、商標登録の対象外に 来年2月めど:朝日新聞デジタル

旧元号 商標登録の対象外へ


情報源: 「平成」など旧元号、商標登録の対象外に 来年2月めど:朝日新聞デジタル旧元号 商標登録の対象外へ


情報源: 新旧元号の商標登録不可 政府、来年2月に基準見直しへ – 産経ニュース

「元号」の商標登録不可へ 政府が審査基準見直し(18/11/05), 0:57

「元号」の商標登録不可へ 政府が審査基準見直し(18/11/05)

®™℠ および登録商標の違い-何のために表示する?無くても良い?の疑問に答えます。

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference on the morning of the 5th that he was considering making it impossible to register past era names such as “Heisei” as a trademark after the change of era name in May next year.

商標登録insideNews: 商標審査便覧の改訂のお知らせ | 経済産業省 特許庁


情報源: 商標審査便覧の改訂のお知らせ | 経済産業省 特許庁

