世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.36 商標_動画(embedded)


1.WIPO Director General Gurry Hails Recent WIPO Treaty Developments, 2:12 WIPO 動画

WIPO Director General Gurry Hails Recent WIPO Treaty Developments

2.WIPO Director General Confers with Botswana’s President, 3:28

WIPO Director General Confers with Botswana’s President

3.President of Mongolia Visits WIPO, 1:50

President of Mongolia Visits WIPO

4.WIPO Pledges Continued IP Capacity Building to Montenegro, 1:48

WIPO Pledges Continued IP Capacity Building to Montenegro

世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) 動画


商標登録insideNews: Montenegro joins TMview As of 12 March 2018 | EUIPO

Montenegro joins TMview As of 12 March 2018 the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool. The integration of IPOM is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners.

情報源: News – EUTM

TMviewは、今回のモンテネグロ知的財産庁(IPOM)の参加により、63の知的財産庁からのデータ提供を受けることになります。 モンテネグロ知的財産庁(IPOM)からの15,000の商標の追加により、TMViewでは4,840万件の商標についての情報にアクセスできることになります。
