商標登録insideNews: Saudi Arabia Joins Nice Classification Agreement | WIPO

WIPO Director General Daren Tang (right) received on April 22, 2021 the instrument of accession to a key intellectual property classification agreement from Ambassador Abdulaziz Al-Wasil, Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva.

情報源:Saudi Arabia Joins Nice Classification Agreement
The Nice Agreement will enter into force for Saudi Arabia on July 22, 2021.
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商標登録insideNews: Intellectual Property and Mobile Applications | WIPO

Find out how IP mechanisms help mobile application developers and publishers generate more income from their creations.

情報源: Intellectual Property and Mobile Applications


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商標登録insideNews: Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act Receives First Geographical Indication: Kampot Pepper from Cambodia | WIPO

Cambodia has recorded Kampot Pepper as the first geographical indication (GI) registered via the Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon System, which provides protection for names identifying the geographic origin of products such as coffee, tea, cheese, wine, pottery, and cloth.

情報源: Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act Receives First Geographical Indication: Kampot Pepper from Cambodia

リスボン協定のジュネーブ改正法(Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act)は令和3年3月時点で日本未加入です。

black pepper
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世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.62 商標_動画(embedded)

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1.Pakistan Joins WIPO’s International Trademark System, 2:10 世界知的所有権機関 動画
2021年2月24日、パキスタン政府は、マドリッド議定書への加盟文書をWIPO事務局長のダレンタンに寄託し、現在124か国をカバーするマドリッド制度の108番目のメンバーになりました。 この議定書は、2021年5月24日にパキスタンで発効します。
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1.France Joins Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon Agreement on Geographical Indications, 2:31 世界知的所有権機関 動画
フランスは原産地名称と地理的表示に関するリスボン協定のジュネーブ法を批准しました。フランスはリスボン協定の最も古いメンバーでかつリスボン制度の主要なユーザーであり、500を超える登録をしています。 53か国をカバーするリスボン制度は、コーヒー、紅茶、果物、チーズ、ワイン、陶器、ガラス、布などの製品の地理的起源を識別する名称を保護します。

France Joins Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon Agreement on Geographical Indications

世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.60 商標_動画(embedded)

WIPO was created to promote and protect intellectual property (IP) across the world by cooperating with countries as well as international organizations.


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Top 10 Trademark Offices (2004-2019)、0:53 世界知的所有権機関 動画

Top 10 Trademark Offices (2004-2019)

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World Intellectual Property Organization was created to promote and protect intellectual property (IP) across the world by cooperating with countries as well as international organizations, and serves as the global forum for intellectual property policy, services, information and cooperation.


商標登録insideNews: Welcoming Iceland to the Madrid e-Filing Community | WIPO

Iceland moves for Madrid e-filing

Iceland becomes the first Nordic country to offer the Madrid e-Filing service to trademark users, following Bulgaria a few weeks beforehand.

情報源: Welcoming Iceland to the Madrid e-Filing Community

You can now file an international trademark application through Madrid e-Filing by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) via the ISIPO. The electronic service is paperless, user friendly and safe. An international trademark application must be based on a national application that will be registered later, or on a pre-existing Icelandic registration. The application can be filed in four simple steps: 

情報源: Madrid e-Filing available via the ISIPO | Hugverkastofan

The number of IP Offices using this WIPO solution has rapidly risen from three in 2018 to ten today: the Benelux, Australia, Georgia, Austria, Lithuania, Estonia, Canada, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, and now Iceland.

商標登録insideNews: 英企業の商標権巡り、アイスランド政府が提訴

Iceland moves for Madrid e-filing
Reykjavík, Iceland